Saturday, May 10, 2008

Too early to start blogging and YET...

One of my professors thought it would be a rather neat idea for me to blog while I was studying abroad next semester to keep not only him up to date on my travels, but also anyone else who might be interested... (ie mom and dad)  So I went with his advice and here I am....
(CAUTION: I'm a first time blogger  :-/  Show some grace.)

YES...I know what you are thinking.  I realize that today is May something-or-other and that I am way over eager in starting a blog that I hope to use while I am studying SEPTEMBER.  But here I am none-the-less.  To be honest, I received the itinerary for my four month excursion today, and for the first time, I got truly excited for my little adventure to the land of the great pyramids, Pharaohs, possibly some camels?! and maybe a flying carpet or two.  My excitement is certainly the reason for my 3 month premature blog.... anyways, hopefully I'll remember and will be back here "blogging" away come September.  Until then, I have been given some assignments from my program to keep me occupied until I can board the plane.  Nothing major, just some readings in the textbooks we will use, freshening up on the politics of the ME...who's talking to who these days and such...oh, and learning the Arabic alphabet along with proper pronunciation of the letters.  (are they even called 'letters' in Arabic?)...puh, no biggie right?  so those are my plans for the next few months... Honestly, I really could not be more thrilled. (seriously, Im not kidding.)

See ya in Cairo. 


Unknown said...

so, im thinking...
cairo is a whole lot closer to thailand than st. davids is (that my profound thought for the day). and the RSA is a good half way point between where you will be and where i am at. hmmm - fancy a little ana/abbie rendezvous?:) how much fun would that be!!!
glad you will be 'blogging' and i will defiantly be checkin in on your little blog spot.
love you.

BK said...

the world needs your have a lot to offer...if anything i would read it! keep at it abbie.